jueves, 4 de mayo de 2023

ADMIRAL OJEDA DURAN Kick Ann Milgram Corrupt Ass, USA has something Roten

Admiral J. Rafael Ojeda Duran Todays Press Conference (May 4 2023 From Minute 68), Reveals DEA FAKE NEWS About Fentanyl production and Traffic. has being reward to spreading lies About Drungs and Cartels, Everybody Knows DEA use to Collaborate with Cartels for Destroying others in the Whole Hemisphere, But you have a Big problem now, USA is the main Fentanyl producer in the World DEA knows That, CIA Knows that, Anabel Hernandez a Mexican Journalist Acused Bill Clinton as Arkansas Governor for protecting Cartels but now as Ciro Gomez Leyva She said Nothing, now she as many other protitutes journalist, just as Gomez Leyva is making Fake news with real or non real trafficants, artist or not Admiral Ojeda Kick Asses also Expose Ann Milgram recently acused of Corruption. Admiral Ojeda Also Expose Diferences between Making Fentanyl and methafetamin. He Acusses Ann Milgram of Coward and Corrupt . Also He Exposes some Fake Videos Taken by English Journalist Taken in TACO BELL but those Guys from England Said is a Fentanyl laboratory, and many other things Fentanyl find it in Mexico is very small, and it Comes with American People, President of México Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Explain After Admiral, how USA ICE and Police needs to Use Physical issues for protect themselves of Fentanyl Danger each time they detects a potential Fentanyl consummer, Also He Said how they Use a Fentanyl effects inhibitor, Can you SEE how hard People from Enforcement Agancies Work how They Expose they lives, and how politics do a Politic of lying, Definitly Something is Very Roten in USA. ARturo Pavon a Jorunalist form "el chapucero " acused Joan Marian Segovia California Police Departmet to receive 61 Fentanyl shipmments in make of an chocolate products way but CBS ABC NBC nothings said, AMLO also Laughs about England suposed reputed media, also he expose as all days other journalist Hoax like that against Hugo Lopez Gatel Healt Department subsecretary. Something is ROTEN in USA Money Buys Everything
. Pablo Aaron Garcia Medrano

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